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2021 was a thing that happened.

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Sorry for the radio silence, lovely readers. I got hit kind of hard by a period of increased fatigue, and the first thing to go when I’m fighting that is social media type stuff. It’s probably not the best thing to lose track of, but it is what it is.

(If I ever drop off the face of the digital Earth and you’re wondering what’s up with me, feel free to message or post or email or whatever. I don’t mind.)

It’s probably pretty obvious that 2021 was a hugely unproductive year for me, writing wise.

I did write you some flash fic.

red and white monotone banner with an image of the Ink book cover and the words "a hundred-and-twenty tiny stories written by queer sci fi's authors."

One of those was selected for the Ink anthology released by Queer Sci-fi and received an honorable mention. It’s called The Colors of Fate and it’s a bite of paranormal romance that I’m very fond of. You can find the anthology on Amazon here.

The other flash fiction can be found on my website here.

Image of a surprised man holding a pride flag behind the words "rainbow award honorable mention"

The Mistletoe Problem won an honorable mention in the Rainbow Awards, which was very exciting. If you want to add to your TBR pile, you can go check out all the winners by clicking here.

In addition to a small bit of writing, I did get some other things done that were author-related. Some of that was was book covers. *rubs hands gleefully* I have so many book covers just waiting for their stories. I’ve been hoarding them like a wistful dragon, waiting for my writing spoons to come back from wherever they were hiding.

I’m making absolutely no promises about what I’m going to finish when and in what order. But if it has a cover waiting for it, it’s probably going to get done before something that doesn’t have a cover yet. So here’s what I have covers for:

Repairing Destiny: This is the clouded leopard shifter, prince, fated mates, fantasy M/M romance. A huge chunk of this is done, but I was working on it when I was very burnt out from medical stuff so it got hidden away for a while. I’m still in love with the story and it will get written. If you would like to torture yourself, you can read the prologue here.

The Taste of Winter: This is an F/F paranormal that is completely inspired by a pre-made cover I fell in love with. There’s a unicorn shifter. It’s going to be total fluff and cuddly romance with maybe a bit of pining.

Familiar Souls: A fun paranormal about a pair of witches and a familiar that makes things interesting. I started this when I needed something fun to kick me back into writing then got sidetracked by A Taste of Winter because I have the attention span of a hyper puppy.

In Roses and Rain: In my head this is an F/F gothic-feeling, fairytale-like, romance. The core plot is in my head and some of it is written. We’ll see where it goes. It will probably be full of tropes.

I have one more cover that’s going to be some kind of paranormal M/M romance. Probably a short story. Don’t really know.

I’ve talked about other things in that past; some of them are on the book updates page. They’re still floating around in my pile of works-in-progress in dropbox. Most of them will resurface eventually. Yes, I do hope to write more Iska Universe things. If nothing else, you’ll eventually get a few free short things on the website.

So that’s what I’ve got. I’m writing again, so you will see something new from me eventually.

Happy New Year and all that. 🙂

Published inBooksThe Mistletoe Problemworks in progressWriting

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