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Books and Book Updates

Currently Available

Repairing Destiny – M/M fantasy/paranormal

The Taste of Winter – Contemporary paranormal F/F

The Mistletoe Problem-Paranormal M/M romance, holiday short

Loving Olivia – Post-apocalyptic (sort of) F/F

Roommates and Space Trees (Iska Universe Book 2) – Contemporary M/NB sci-fi

Granola Bars and Spaceships (Iska Universe Book 1) – Contemporary M/NB sci-fi

So We Meet-Cute Again – Contempory M/M rom-com

Evergreen – M/M fantasy

Guardian Angels – Contemporary M/M holiday short

Ink – An anthology produced by featuring the winners of their annual contest.

Coming Soon

no release dates right now 🙁

Current Work In Progress

Familiar Souls – Contemporary Paranormal starring two witches and a matchmaking familiar. M/M.

Electric – Contemporary paranormal, elemental mages, M/M

Things I’ve Started

Paranormal M/M romance featuring witches and shapeshifters

A light-hearted who-dun-it M/M romance about a private detective and a cursed client

A fantasy M/M focusing on a seer.

F/F romance with gothic fairytale, cursed princess vibes.


An Iska Universe Christmas short story

Iska Universe book 3(?) focusing on Samantha

A sequel to Evergreen focusing on Ashley. This will be F/F.