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Flash Sale!

Last updated on May 31, 2024

I decided to do a random sale for Black Friday weekend. 🙂

You can pick up So We Meet-Cute Again for $0.99 cents (or less, depending on your Amazon store) through Monday the 27th.

It’s available wide, so you can grab it on the retailer of your choice. (And don’t forget to grab Repairing Destiny while you’re there. 😉 )

Here’s your buy links and a reminder about the book!

Cover image for So We Meet-Cute Again by Geneva Vand. The image shows the feet of two people facing each other, standing on a leaf-strewn sidewalk.

Everywhere Aiden goes, he sees the same handsome stranger—and promptly makes a klutzy, ridiculous fool of himself. Over and over again, their crossing paths spell humiliating doom for poor Aiden.

Jason is intrigued by the lanky brunet he keeps chancing upon, and the more he learns the more he wants to properly meet the guy. When they do finally meet, groceries—and hearts—go flying, but can they turn their never-ending meet-cute into something real?

Published inBooksSo We Meet-Cute Again

Discover more from Geneva Vand: Author of LGBTQ romance

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