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Last Year and This Year

Last updated on May 31, 2024

A very late happy New Year! May your 2024 be only as interesting as you want it to be.

This post is later than I meant it to be. That’s because the website was slightly broken. I had to change website hosts and stuff broke. The broken stuff included my subscriber list, so I figured I’d wait until it was fixed. And it’s fixed now! I think.

(Reminder that if you’d like to recieve my posts in your email inbox, you can sign up to follow my blog in the side bar. Or the top menu bar if you’re on mobile.)

Alright. So. 2023.

Repairing Destiny (also known as the clouded leopard WIP) came out in ebook and paperback in September.

Cover image for Repairing Destiny by Geneva Vand. A young man sits in a grassy field with his hand on a large cat's neck.

It is the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff and I love it dearly. If you haven’t grabbed it yet, here’s the link. It’s in Kobo Plus and it’s also available on Hoopla or you can request your library purchase it for Libby.

The Taste of Winter finally got a paperback edition. It is very pretty. Sleepy Fox Studios did both of these covers and they’re just lovely. If you want your own paperback of Livy and Hailey to coo at, you can grab that on Amazon.

US Amazon Store for the Taste of Winter Paperback

Universal Link for The Taste of Winter

I know this is a proof copy, but look how pretty that is.

All of my books left Kindle Unlimited this year. Lots of reasons, not the least of which was that I wanted to have my books available to libraries. All of them are in Kobo Plus, four have been added to Hoopla so far, and all of them are available to libraries through several sales channels, if you are looking for budget friendly reading options.

I encourage everyone to check out Kobo Plus. There’s some fabulous authors on there. including many authors who have never been available on a subscription service before.

The biggest personal life event of last year was saying goodbye to one of our kitties. On November fourth we had to let our lady cat go. Miley was very loved and will be very much missed. Bye lady.

Floyd is doing well though, and we hope to have him with us for many years to come. Here he is in the box he claimed at Christmas being all adorable and photogenic.

Alright. On to 2024.

Y’all know by now I write at a snail’s pace, so don’t be expecting a packed calendar, lol.

But I do hope to finish my current active project, which is a bit of fun about two witches who wind up with the same familiar. More fated mate vibes anyone?

Here’s the cover. Shh. Don’t tell. I’m probably not supposed to show it to you yet.

It’s contemporary paranormal M/M.

Hopefully that’s not the only thing I get done this year, but I’m not holding my breath. Optimistically, I want to also dive back into one of my other started works in progress and maybe come up with a holiday short story. We’ll see.

Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, recommended etc. in 2023. I appreciate you all. Thanks for picking up my books. Sorry I write so slow. *exasperated frowny face*

Discover more from Geneva Vand: Author of LGBTQ romance

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Published inBooksWriting


  1. Moon Moon

    I‘m so sorry about your kitty Miley. That’s so sad.
    I love Repairing Destiny and The Taste of Winter. They’re awesome (and the covers are so cute)! ❤️ Now I’m excited about Familiar Souls. It’s sounds and looks great!
    I wish you a happy and joyful New Year!

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Discover more from Geneva Vand: Author of LGBTQ romance

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