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Granola Bars and Spaceships is Available for Pre-order and Kindle Unlimited

Last updated on May 31, 2024

I have jumped through the hoops and started the re-release process!

Granola Bars and Spaceships is available for pre-order, releasing September 2nd, 2019. It’s also going to be available in Kindle Unlimited for at least 90 days. I’m not sure about after that. We’ll have to see.

I know that’s a lot of lead time, but I need time to let the reviewers and promotion people work their magic.

Next up is Evergreen releasing at the beginning of October.

After that, you’ll get a completely new (NEW!) release. So We Meet-Cute Again is a contemporary MM romance full of cliches and cuteness. I don’t have a firm release date for you there. I’ll let you know when I know, but I’m hoping for November.

But in the meantime! You can find the pre-order page for Granola Bars and Spaceships here. And you can find my new and shiny Amazon Author page here. It’s going to be updating a lot in the near future, so if something is missing just come back in a bit and it will probably be fixed.

Thank you muchly for your patience as I work my way through my current task list.

Published inBooksEvergreenGranola Bars and SpaceshipsGuardian AngelsKindle UnlimitedSo We Meet-Cute Again

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