Last updated on May 31, 2024
If you’re keeping track of me on the blog or on Facebook, you probably already know that So We Meet-Cute Again is available for pre-order on Amazon.
It releases on November 18th. It will be in Kindle Unlimited, as expected. And it will have a paperback! I have it all set up and ready to go, I’m just waiting to see the proof copy from the printer.
Look at this gorgeous cover? I know you want that on a 5x8in paperback.

Here is the blurb, in case you haven’t seen it before:
Everywhere Aiden goes, he sees the same handsome stranger—and promptly makes a klutzy, ridiculous fool of himself. Over and over again, their crossing paths spell humiliating doom for poor Aiden.
Jason is intrigued by the lanky brunet he keeps chancing upon, and the more he learns the more he wants to properly meet the guy. When they do finally meet, groceries—and hearts—go flying, but can they turn their never-ending meet-cute into something real?
It’s a light and funny read with a rom-com feel to it. I think you’ll enjoy it. If you’ve read my other stuff you probably won’t be surprised that the heat level is pretty low.
Guardian Angels is also up for pre-order and will be re-released on December 2nd as an ebook only. It will be in Kindle Unlimited, but it’s only $0.99 if you want it for your very own. I do not currently have plans to make a paperback available because it would be tiny. If enough people asked, I would consider it.
Here’s the cover and blurb for that:

One snowy evening, a car wreck in front of his toy store triggers terrible memories for Jake. Suddenly, he is in the midst of another winter storm—and another accident, one that not everyone walked away from. When he returns to the present, Jake is on the ground, being watched over by a guardian angel in the form of a kind man named Eli. Eli is no stranger to panic attacks and PTSD, and he’s happy to help Jake get home—where the weather forces him to remain for the night. For Jake, it could be the first step toward a life free from fear and loneliness.
It’s a sweet Christmas read with a little bit of not-quite insta-love and some hurt-comfort themes. There probably won’t be any huge changes from the first edition.
The most popular buy links will be right below for both books, as well as links to their pages on this website if you want the Goodreads page or an excerpt.
The next release will probably be Roommates and Space Trees, the sequel to Granola Bars and Spaceships. You’ll see that sometime in the first half of next year if my brain cooperates.
So We Meet-Cute Again
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