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Tiny Update

Last updated on May 31, 2024

The next book is well on it’s way and has an appointment with its editor. It’s a little farther out than I was expecting, because Charlie is getting popular. Darn them, being all successful and stuff.*


Anyway. The currently untitled post-apocalyptic FF romance about Mama Janie, who runs an unofficial orphanage, goes to edits at the very end of September. Which means you should get a pre-order in mid-October with a release date of early November.

I know that’s a long way away, but I would really rather give you the best book I can by working with an LGBTQ+ friendly editor that I know is amazing and excellent to work with – and that I get along with – than pay someone who might not be as good more money to get the book in your hands only a month or two sooner.

I also know that that book description up there sounds really angsty. It won’t be, I promise. I am a creator of snuggly books. I don’t think I could create an angst-fest if I tried. If I could, it would have been Evergreen. I still don’t know how that one turned out light and fluffy, but whatever.

In addition to Jane’s story, I am determined to do a Christmas short. The plot bunny has been hopping around for months and is starting to get impatient. So you’ll likely get two stories from me at the end of the year unless something goes hugely wrong. Yay?

Published inBooksworks in progressWriting

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