I am opening up a form for you to order signed paperbacks. You are able to order from now until November 1st. Simply give me…
Comments closedWhere love is love, and romance is sweet.
Neil knows he’s not the kind of boy that Daddies want.He’s too old, too plain, and too… boring. So when his best friend sets him…
Comments closedLovely shadows. So dark. So thick. So malicious. Such purrrr-fect accomplices. I stalked. Through, between, and under. Dust ground under my paws. I froze. There.…
2 CommentsLoving Olivia isn’t getting much attention on Amazon. I’m not hugely surprised by this. It was not entirely unexpected. It does mean, however, that I’m…
Comments closedI’ve been meaning to do a book rec post for these book for months. They’re currently on sale for $1.99USD for Pride Month, so now…
Comments closedConfession time: Y’all, this year is kicking my butt. I am so behind. January started off well. I was trucking right along and really happy…
Comments closedThe post title pretty much says it all. You can now get book two of the Iska Universe in paperback. And it is very pretty.…
Comments closedOkay, technically this is a webcomic recommendation, but it does exist in physical book form. Heartstopper is a YA webcomic about a pair of young…
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